Love Stalk on MyDramaList

LOVE STALK has a profile on MyDramaList now. If you're on that site, please give LOVE STALK 愛‧打卡 a good rating and a review.

Love Stalk Streaming on Flix Premiere

Now showing on Flix Premiere in the U.S. and U.K. Make Love Stalk 愛·打卡 the movie you watch when you sign up for a free trial membership.

Headline Daily – August 17, 2017

Ronan Pak 白健恩和Kellyjackie 陳曉琪早陣子拍了一個火熱的MV,很快會面世了,大家記得留意我們的update~ 謝謝頭條日報今天的報導! Love Stalk MV coming out soon! Stay tuned!