Love Stalk on MyDramaList

LOVE STALK has a profile on MyDramaList now. If you're on that site, please give LOVE STALK 愛‧打卡 a good rating and a review.

Love Stalk Now Streaming on Amazon Prime Video

Watch Love Stalk Amazon Prime Video in the U.S. and U.K. Click to stream in the U.S. Click to stream in the U.K. Watch the trailer

Love Stalk DVD Giveaway on

To help celebrate the launch of their new app, and because they've supported our film since the very beginning, we've partnered up with for them to offer a free DVD giveaway. For a limited time only - Purchase any DVD or Blu Ray at to receive a copy of “Love Stalk” DVD for…Read more Love Stalk DVD Giveaway on

Love Stalk Streaming on Flix Premiere

Now showing on Flix Premiere in the U.S. and U.K. Make Love Stalk 愛·打卡 the movie you watch when you sign up for a free trial membership.